Deonte Bridges is just one of several Atlanta Public School graduates who had a story behind his years of hard work. Bridges, valedictorian for Booker T. Washington High's Senior Academy, truly captured the essence of his challenges in his graduation speech at the Boisfeuillet Jones Atlanta Civic Center. Atlanta's Public Schools' Department of Learning Technologies was there to capture the moment in dramatic fashion.
Bridges ability to overcome deep adversity speaks volumes to what one can accomplish with focus and determination. While Deonte faced sorrow, poverty and violence, he did not let his circumstances determine his future; he molded it himself. Whether it was staying up late to study, going against the social pressures of his peers, or sacrificing bits of his popularity, Deonte did what was necessary in order for him to succeed and progress. As a result, Deonte is now a recipient of more than one million dollars worth of scholarships. Deonte's reality is one which is unparalleled by most, and with plans to attend the University of Georgia on a full scholarship, this extraordinary individual reminds us that ANYTHING is possible.
Although today we highlight a young man who has accomplished what many would consider "impossible" or "unrealistic" given his situation, it is imperative for us to be reminded that the same principles which led Deonte to reach his goals can be exercised by ANYONE. Whether it is academia, music, art or athletics, any goal can be reached if an individual believes it for his or her self and does what is necessary in order to get there. Deonte's work ethic reminds us all that a dream will remain a dream until the necessary steps are taken to make it a REALITY. With that said, go out today and create YOUR FUTURE. No one can stop you from making history for yourself, BUT yourself. Stay focused and you will one day BE EXACTLY where you want to be...