THPP:Who is MB(Miles Brandon)?
MiLES BRANDON: "Miles Brandon is in love with life Im glad to be alive.Im a rapper and a musician and a taste maker haha. When did you start rapping?I started rapping when I was a freshman in High School about early 2002. I was 13 at the time and the school i was attending had a rap battle. So me being me i entered it and I lost I was horrible at the time and not to mention i stole my verse that i used in the battle from the wake up show. It serves me right because i forgot the whole thing and only remembered bits a pieces from it and I sounded real stupid.I remember one line to this day i said "You look like the chocolate rabbit that likes to drop the soap" wtf so random and weak. But you got to start some were so from that day forward I vowed to myself never to loose another battle again and to become the best I can be at my craft."
What are your influences?
"My influences are my dreams and visions and life and pain and everybody who told me I cant do it or my dreams are to big to reach. So on that note i use all that as fuel and motivation. And of course in influenced by great music."

Do you expect to make rapping your number one career?
"Yes i do but at the end of the day i want to be looked at as more than a "Rapper" and more as a musician. I plan on launching other things on the side i have a few projects in the making right now. But all in all music is my number 1 goal."
Do you think the internet is a good or bad thing in music today?
"I think the internet is a gift and a curse because the rap game is over populated and any and everybody can be a "Rapper" and it makes people sometime ignore the actual people who but in time hard work and talent. But it can also be a gate way for an artist such as my self to reach everybody and market my self how ever i want."
What is the hardest challenge in the music industry today?
"The hardest challenge in the music industry for me is getting people to hear my music because its way over saturated but Ive found a few ways to get over that."
"The hardest challenge in the music industry for me is getting people to hear my music because its way over saturated but Ive found a few ways to get over that."
What does the future of hip hop look like through Miles Brandon's eyes?
"Well in my eyes i plan to be on top of the game in Hip hop and bringing people with talent into the game that really deserve it."
"Well in my eyes i plan to be on top of the game in Hip hop and bringing people with talent into the game that really deserve it."
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